Telyse Lynn
Kaizen Creativity Coach • Writer
Anks has an amazing mind, and with his keen perception, he peers into your soul and pulls the most authentic version of you to the surface. His process is not only revealing, but it’s absolutely necessary.

Alancha Thompson
Entrepreneur • Brand Strategist
The tools and approach used in the workshops were highly effective. What I believe at my core and what I communicate have differences. My lack of leading from within resulted in clichè copyright that I was ultimately trying to avoid. I recommend Anks to everyone who is teachable and honest enough to admit they don’t have it all together and are committed to changing themselves and the world. It was such a sincere, no-fluff, breath of fresh air, genuine experience.

Nina Sabina Caballero
Fine Arts Professional • AI Artist Photography • Copywriter • Blogger
We live in an era of the great shift to a more conscious human-centric world. I was seeking my purpose in life, leading me to Anks and Peoplepreneur. Peoplepreneur is grounded in the soil of this era, aspiring people to thrive, discover their true potential, and be the pilots of their lives. Anks helped me to realise what brings me purpose and what makes me feel more connected and conscious! I am grateful to be a part of this journey.

Abhishek Dutta
UX Strategist • TeamCoDesign Founder SaaS Designer • Web Developer
As easy as it might sound, trust me, it wasn’t; it took time for me to realise the power of NO and who I want to be. It took some good time to realise what I was missing for real. It wouldn’t have been possible without the guidance from Anks. Not only did I have realisations, but I got direction and learnt to put the anchor down for my beliefs. You will never feel fulfilled until YOU are YOU. And that’s where we all miss the point. You will never regret your decision to work with Anks.

Amine Hammou
Brand Orchestrate • Branding Coach • Purpose Strategist • Ghostwriter
Anks is my “people strategy therapist” he helped me get clarity for my business; I can’t thank him enough for what he did to me; I felt that spark of transformation right across my eyes ✨ Why would you take my word for it? Because I do strategy for a living and failed to do it for my own business, I needed to see it from a different perspective, and I’ve been going on a loop for a very long time, but thankfully I finally found my answer. I highly recommend him; he’s empathetic, caring, genuine, honest and trustworthy.

Kyle Steinle
Do Good Video Productions • Owner Executive Producer
Anks has been guiding me through a very thorough strategic process and has helped me to firmly establish and align myself with my purpose, mission and vision, which I finally feel super confident in. This is now the bedrock foundation that our company is building upon. I value the personal-to-professional approach and finally, it feels like such a relief to be clear and precise with this stuff!

Rex Allen
Founder Stokeship™ • Director Creative Agency Owner
Holy smokes. I’ve been connected to Anks for a bit now. I was live-streaming LinkedIn, and he jumped into the comment section. We’d never “really” met, so I invited him to jump on for a totally impromptu chat. He jumped right in, got on the call, and blew my mind. He’s got some really valuable insights into “branding” and “brand” and is a great strategist. I’m excited to have him as a ridiculously valuable connection. He’ll be an asset to any business/brand that works with him.

Humaira Akther
Mother • Writer • Solopreneur Quiet Rebel • Self-Awareness Practitioner
There are many things I could write about Anks. The one thing he has gifted me with his abundance mindset is being able to trust my intuition. It’s not something you see in a coach or in mentorship programs these days. Anks has helped me find my internal purpose that anchored my beliefs and value system with conviction. If you work with him, he will not only help you grow in your business but as a person. You get a mixed dose of strategy and personal development execution which propels you to become the best version.